Wednesday 10 August 2016

Pasta Salad with French Beans and Potatoes


The french beans looked so fresh and oh so tempting when I bought them that I could almost have eaten them raw!! Seriously!!  The next best thing to do was to blanch and use them in a salad with a minimalistic dressing to retain the pure goodness and taste. Delicious!!!

I think I am blessed to live in a country where one can still get local produce fresh from the farmer and mostly organic. It makes a world of a difference not only to the taste but also to cooking time as vegetables take barely any time to cook.


1 cup macaroni
2 potatoes
1/2 cup french beans
1tbsp olive oil
1 tbsp vinegar
1/2 tsp black pepper powder
Salt to taste
1 tsp crushed garlic
1tsp mustard paste ( or powder)
1 tsp dried basil ( or fresh)

Method:   String and cut french beans. Boil macaroni according to packet directions adding french beans to the pan for the last 2 minutes of cooking time. Remove from heat when pasta and beans are tender and drain the water. Run it through running water and drain well. Boil potatoes such that they are soft but not mushy. Peel the boiled potatoes and cut in cubes.

Meanwhile, in a big bowl add all the ingredients for the dressing ....olive oil, vinegar, mustard, salt, pepper,garlic and basil. Stir to combine. As soon as the macaroni, french beans and potatoes are boiled, add to the dressing and mix well. Adjust seasonings and serve warm or at room temperature.

It is preferable to add dressing while the vegetables and pasta are warm as it absorbs better. I feel it tastes better too while warm as the flavours tend to get muted and dull when cold.

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