Monday 19 October 2015

Sabudana Vada

This is my family's favourite vrat ka khana.  Everyone would look forward to it whenever I was fasting.  My younger daughter would ask me anxiously, while gulping the vadas down, " mom, is there enough for you?"  Of course I made a good quantity knowing how much everyone loved it.

The good part about this recipe is that you can assemble it before hand and store in the fridge.  It keeps well for a couple of days. However once they are fried they have to be consumed immediately as they lose their crispiness after a while.


1 cup sabudana( sago)
2-3 potatoes
3/4 cup peanuts
1or 2 green chillies ( optional)
Coriander leaves
Salt to taste
1/2 tsp cumin seeds
1/2 tsp dry mango powder
Oil to fry

Method: Soak sabudana in plenty of water for few hours until  soft.   Boil potatoes and mash.  Dry roast peanuts, discard skin and grind coarsely. Chop green chillies and coriander leaves.

Mix the mashed potatoes, crushed peanuts and soaked sabudana( drained of all water).  Add chopped green chillies and coriander leaves.  Also add cumin seeds, salt and dry mango powder. Mix thoroughly. Grease your palms, as the mixture tends to be sticky, and make small balls and flatten.  Fry in hot oil till golden and crisp.  Serve hot.

Use sendha namak instead of regular salt if you are fasting. You can use red chilli powder instead of green chillies.  Dont make very thick balls as the vadas will puff up when fried.

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