Sunday 4 October 2015

Chocolate Souffle

A favourite sister in law served us this dessert once when we were visiting her.  It was delicious and unlike anything I had eaten....very lightly sweetened, soft, creamy texture and with a rich chocolate taste. The recipe she shared with me is the one I have followed faithfully all these years and which I am giving below.

3 cups milk
3 eggs
3 tsp gelatine
1 cup cream
3tsp cocoa
1 tsp instant coffee
2 tbsp sugar

Method:  Soak gelatine in a little cold water till it becomes colourless.

Mix egg yolks in milk and heat on low flame till slightly thick. Remove from flame.  Mix the cocoa and coffee with a little of the milk mixture and then add to the whole. Add the soaked gelatine also. Let the mixture now cool a bit and then add the sugar and cream. Beat the egg whites till stiff and gently fold into the mixture just before keeping in the fridge.

Allow the souffle to set in the fridge ( not freezer) before serving. Garnish with cherries, choco chips, grated chocolate....anything you like.  

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