Monday 19 October 2015

Matar Mushroom

A new place has recently opened in town which stocks fresh mushrooms.  Such a treat after having tinned mushrooms for last couple of years!

The recipe I am sharing here has green peas and mushrooms....a wonderful combination....cooked to perfection in a light gravy.


200 gms mushrooms
1 1/2 onions
1 tomato
1 tbsp tomato paste
1/2 cup green peas
1 tbsp ginger garlic paste
1/2 tsp turmeric powder
1/2 tsp red chilli powder
1/2 tsp cumin powder
1/2 tsp coriander powder
Salt to taste
1/2 tsp all spice (garam masala) powder
1 tsp dried fenugreek leaves ( kasuri methi)
4 tbsp oil
Whole spices: 3 cloves, 1 black cardamom, 1 inch cinnamon, 1 bay leaf, few pepper corns

Method:  Place the mushrooms for a few minutes in  a bowl of warm water.  Then cut them in halves.  Chop one onion finely.  Blend one  tomato, ginger garlic paste and half onion to a smooth paste.

Now in a heavy bottom pan add oil and add the whole spices....cloves, cardamom, cinnamon, bay leaf and pepper corns.  Then add the chopped onion and fry well till it turns golden brown.  Add the onion tomato and ginger garlic mixture. Also add the turneric powder, red chilli powder,  coriander powder, cumin powder and salt. Add the tomato paste.   Fry till the masala leaves oil.  Add the mushroom and peas.  Stir for a minute and then pour warm water, as required. Add kasuri methi and all spice powder.  Cover and let it simmer for a few minutes.  Serve hot.

Tomato Chicken

A very simple Indian chicken curry recipe which is guaranteed to please.  Chicken is combined with tomatoes and spices and cooked together to create an amazing dish.

This is an early recipe from my collection and is very dear to me.  It is a very basic Indian style chicken curry recipe and yet it has a timeless appeal. I still cook it fairly regularly and it never fails.

If you are new to Indian cooking this is a good recipe to start with ....easy, yet with all the Indian flavours that have caught the world's imagination and made Indian cuisine so popular.


1 chicken, cut in mid size pieces ( 800 gm to 1 kg)
5-6 mid size onions, finely chopped
4 green chilly (or as per taste), finely chopped
5 tomatoes, finely chopped
10 cloves garlic, finely chopped
1 inch ginger, finely chopped
1 tea spoon coriander powder
1 tea spoon turmeric powder
1/2 tea spoon red chilly powder
salt to taste
1/2 tea spoon cumin seeds
1/2 tea spoon mustard seeds
Pinch of  hing (asafoetida)
4 table spoon oil
Coriander leaves,finely chopped, for garnish
Whole spices: 5 cloves, 1 inch cinnamon, 1 black cardamom, 8-10 peppercorn,

Method:  In a heavy bottom pan put oil. Add cumin seeds, mustard seeds, asafoetida and the whole spices....cloves, cinnamon, cardamom and peppercorn. Add finely chopped ginger, garlic and green chilly. Then add the finely sliced onions. Saute till onions turn slightly brown.  Add chicken and fry on low heat till chicken loses raw colour and is lightly fried. Add salt, turmeric powder, red chilly powder and  coriander powder.   After awhile add the tomatoes and stir till gravy leaves oil. Transfer to pressure cooker.  Add one and a half cups of warm  water and cook till chicken is tender.  Before serving sprinkle coriander leaves.

Indian cooking is all about getting the masala ( onion plus spice mix) right.  If that is not saute'd well, the final look and taste will be affected. Adding warm water to the  gravy helps to release the oil and gives a nice appearance to the dish. Quality of tomatoes often differs. If tomatoes are hard, then it is better to blend rather than chop. If tomatoes are not sour, add a table spoon or so of tomato paste.

Carrot Kheer

Carrot halwa is the more popular recipe no doubt but this is equally nice and far lighter too. Another point in its favour? Takes far less time!

1 cup grated carrot
4 cups milk
1/2 cup sugar
1 tsp green cardamom powder
1 tbsp ghee
8-10 cashew nuts
Nuts and raisins as desired

Method: Peel and grate the carrots. Powder the cashew nuts.  In a heavy bottom pan put the ghee. Add the grated carrot.  Stir till the carrot is well fried and all the water dries up.  Add warm milk to the pan and let it cook on low flame, stirring occasionally. Once the milk has reduced a little add the cashew powder.  Stir till the mixture thickens and it reaches the  right consistency. Add the sugar and cardamom. Garnish with nuts and raisins.

Instead of  powdered cashew nuts you can add a tbsp of custard powder or cornflour dissolved in cold milk. If you want a more rich taste to the kheer add some tbsps of condensed milk to the mixture towards the end of cooking process.  If using condensed milk, reduce the amount of sugar.

Red carrots are preferable but if not available use the orange ones. 

Sabudana Vada

This is my family's favourite vrat ka khana.  Everyone would look forward to it whenever I was fasting.  My younger daughter would ask me anxiously, while gulping the vadas down, " mom, is there enough for you?"  Of course I made a good quantity knowing how much everyone loved it.

The good part about this recipe is that you can assemble it before hand and store in the fridge.  It keeps well for a couple of days. However once they are fried they have to be consumed immediately as they lose their crispiness after a while.


1 cup sabudana( sago)
2-3 potatoes
3/4 cup peanuts
1or 2 green chillies ( optional)
Coriander leaves
Salt to taste
1/2 tsp cumin seeds
1/2 tsp dry mango powder
Oil to fry

Method: Soak sabudana in plenty of water for few hours until  soft.   Boil potatoes and mash.  Dry roast peanuts, discard skin and grind coarsely. Chop green chillies and coriander leaves.

Mix the mashed potatoes, crushed peanuts and soaked sabudana( drained of all water).  Add chopped green chillies and coriander leaves.  Also add cumin seeds, salt and dry mango powder. Mix thoroughly. Grease your palms, as the mixture tends to be sticky, and make small balls and flatten.  Fry in hot oil till golden and crisp.  Serve hot.

Use sendha namak instead of regular salt if you are fasting. You can use red chilli powder instead of green chillies.  Dont make very thick balls as the vadas will puff up when fried.

Bread roll

This used to be a lunch box or tea time regular for my kids.  Ever since the kids grew up and moved away I have hardly made it.  Recently I made it and we  enjoyed it so much that I wondered why I had put aside this recipe for so long.


4 big potatoes
15 bread slices
Pinch of coriander seeds
1/2 tsp cumin seeds
Salt to taste
1/2 tsp turmeric powder
1/2 tsp red chilli powder
1/2 tsp dried mango powder
Coriander leaves
1 green chilli ( optional)
1 tbsp oil
Oil to fry

Method: Place the potatoes in  a pressure cooker with little salt and plenty of water.  Boil till soft. Remove from the cooker and peel the skin of the potatoes and mash well.  Chop coriander leaves and green chilli. Remove the sides from bread slices.

In a pan put 1 tbsp oil and when it is heated add the cumin seeds and coriander seeds.  As soon as they start crackling add the seasonings like salt, turmeric powder, chilli powder and dried mango powder.  Add the mashed potatoes and blend well. Switch off the flame and remove potato mixture to a plate.  Add chopped green chilli and chopped coriander leaves.

Take a flat bowl and add about a cup of water.  Dip one bread slice into the water.  Immediately remove and squeeze out all water. Place a spoon of the potato mixture in it and close it to form a roll. Proceed in the same way to use up all the potato mixture or as many as you require.

Pour plenty of oil in a pan . When it gets well heated add the bread rolls, few at a time and fry well till golden.  Take out and keep on a paper napkin.  Serve hot.

You can prepare the potato mixture beforehand and keep.  I used to make it the night before as time used to be short in the morning.



This is a great breakfast recipe, easy and quick to prepare.  Originally from Maharashtra, this recipe has now become popular all over India.  It makes a satisfying Sunday brunch or a weekday supper. You can even make it with just onions ( kanda poha)or with just potatoes(batata poha) but I prefer to use both as also green peas.
1 cup poha ( flattened rice flakes)
1 onion
1 small potato
1/4 cup green peas
Salt to taste
1/2 tsp turmeric powder
1/2 tsp red chilli powder
Curry leaves
1/2 tsp mustard seeds
1/2 tsp lemon juice
1/2 tsp sugar
2 tbsp oil

Method:  Wash and soak the poha for few minutes.  Drain the water and sieve.  Keep aside. Chop onion finely.  Chop potato in to small pieces.

In a heavy bottom pan add the oil.  When oil is heated add the mustard seeds and curry leaves.  When the mustard seeds start crackling add the onion and potato.  Stir till onion gets little browned and potato is soft.  Add the salt, turmeric powder and red chilli powder. If potato is not tender add little water and stir till potato is done.Add the green peas and the poha.   Add the sugar and lemon juice. Stir for a minute.  Close flame and cover and leave for couple of minutes.

Garnish with coriander leaves or grated coconut.  Some people like to sprinkle some sev and roasted peanuts on top for the crunch.

Several qualities of poha are available in the market.  Make sure you get the right kind to make poha. There is one type which is so thick that you have to soak it for a long time and there is another which is so fine that it almost crumbles when soaked in water.

Cream of spinach soup

You will love this soup even if you are not a big fan of spinach! The lovely green colour will entice while the rich, creamy taste will have you hooked and asking for more.  Its a very simple soup with no scope for error so try it without any hesitation and revel in having something truly nutritious and tasty.


2 cups spinach
1 onion
1 tbsp butter
salt to taste
1/2 tsp pepper
1/2 cup milk
2 tbsp cream
1 tbsp cornflour
4 cups water
Bread croutons ( optional)

Method: Chop onion.  Chop spinach.

In a pan melt 1 tbsp butter.  Add chopped onion.  Fry for a minute.  Add the chopped spinach.  Stir till the spinach is well fried.  Add one cup water and boil for a minute.  Cool and transfer to a blender and puree.  Sieve and pour back into the pan. Add 3 cups of water.   Mix the cornflour with milk and cream.(  Reserve a little bit of cream for garnish.)  Add to the spinach puree in the pan.  Keep stirring over medium heat till soup is thick.  Add salt and pepper.  Serve hot garnished with cream and bread croutons.

Til ke Laddoo

Indian sweets normally take lot of time and effort and even then one is not sure of the end result. In this recipe however you can be confident that nothing can possibly go wrong and it can be prepared in a short time.

Sesame is one of the oldest oilseeds known to man and is also considered one of the healthiest foods as it is rich in minerals, nutrients and vitamins necessary for wellness.  What better way to consume them than in this form!

These laddoos can be enjoyed even during periods of fasting.


1 cup til  ( sesame)
1/2 cup peanuts
1 tsp cardamom powder ( elaichi)
1/2 cup gur ( jaggery)
1 or 2 tbsps cream

Method: Roast the til in  a heavy bottom pan till it turns light golden.  Remove from heat and let it cool.  Using a mixer grind the til until it turns to powder. Keep aside. Now roast the peanuts on medium flame till its skin becomes loose.  Remove from flame and loosen the skin and discard it. Coarsely grind the peanuts. Mix the til (sesame) powder and peanut powder.  Add the  grated gur ( jaggery) and green cardamom powder. Replace the prepared mixture in the heavy bottom pan and place over low flame for few minutes.  Heating the mixture helps to release the inherent oil in sesame and peanuts and also softens the jaggery. Be careful the mixture doesnt burn or gets further roasted. The idea is to just warm up the mixture a bit so it becomes pliable and easy to mould. Transfer to a plate and add 2 tbsps cream.  Mix well and form laddoos.

This quantity will make about 12 laddoos.  Instead of  gur (jaggery) you can use powdered sugar. If you dont have fresh cream you can use milk instead or ghee.

Wednesday 14 October 2015

Savoury French Toast

In my parents' home we had eggs daily for breakfast. My mom had made that as mandatory as the glasses of milk.  Thankfully eggs can be cooked in a variety of  ways so one cant get bored of it. The recipe I am sharing here is one of the variations I really liked.


1 egg
2 slices of bread
salt to taste
1tbsp cheese
Pinch of pepper
Pinch of paprika
Pinch of parsley
1-2 tbsps of milk
1 tbsp oil

Method: Whisk the egg in a flat bottom  bowl.  Add the rest of the ingredients and mix well.

In a non stick pan put oil.  Dip one bread slice in the egg mixture, flip and coat the other side as well. Now place the egg coated slice in the warm oil. Let it cook well and then turn over and cook on the other side till crisp and brown.  Remove and keep aside.  Repeat the process with the second bread slice.  Serve hot.

This is a filling yet really simple snack which takes just a few minutes to make.  So the next time you are in the mood for something different, try this.

Banana Cake

This is a delightful cake and easy to make too.  The bananas and cinnamon give it a unique flavour and the crunch of the walnuts make each mouthful a treat.  No one likes bananas when they get slightly over ripe.  What better use to put them to than bake a banana cake!


2 eggs
1 cup self raising flour
3/4 cup powdered sugar
2 tbsp honey
3/4 cup butter
1 tsp vanilla essence
2 tsps cinnamon powder
1/2 cup walnuts
2 ripe bananas

Method: Whip eggs and add vanilla essence and honey to it.  Sieve flour. Chop walnuts. Mash bananas. Powder the sugar. In case you dont have cinnamon powder take whole cinnamon and pound it and then sieve it for use or use mixer to make powder.

Now in a bowl add the powdered sugar and butter.  Mix well till it becomes a creamy mixture. Next add the eggs and flour alternately. Add the cinnamon powder. Lastly add the bananas and walnuts dusted with flour. Incorporate into batter gently. Pour into greased and flour dusted tin or baking dish. Garnish with few walnuts. Bake in a preheated oven at 180 degrees C for 25 mins or till a toothpick inserted in the cake comes out clean.

If you are new to baking remember always to preheat the oven before baking anything.  Another useful tip is to take out eggs, butter etc from fridge a little while before you start assembling the cake so that they are at room temperature when you need them.  Once the cake is baked, dont leave it in the baking dish but remove and let it cool on a wire rack.

Rajma / Indian Red Kidney Beans Curry


Rajma is a classic North Indian dish that is relished by everyone. In this recipe  boiled red kidney beans are cooked in a curry of onions, tomato and Indian spices. Generally served with rice, rajma is hugely popular for it's amazing taste and flavour.  It also has many health benefits that make it a great option for vegetarians.

Here in Dar es Salaam we get fresh red kidney beans... yes,just like green peas!! Because of this I don't even have to soak the red kidney beans overnight or for several hours. I can make it readily whenever the mood strikes me. As it does verrry frequently! The fresh red kidney beans taste far better too.


1 cup rajma (red kidney beans)
1 onion
1 tomato
1 tsp ginger garlic paste
3 tbsp oil
1/2 tsp turmeric powder
1/2 tsp red chilli powder
1/2 tsp cumin powder
1/2 tsp coriander powder
Salt to taste
1/2 tsp garam masala powder ( whole spice powder)
Whole spices: 1 black cardamom, 3-4 cloves, 1 bay leaf, 1 inch cinnamon, 1 tsp cumin
Coriander leaves to garnish

Method:  Soak the rajma (red kidney beans) overnight or for at least 6 hours. Put it to boil in a pressure cooker with sufficient water. After the first whistle, lower heat and let it cook for 5 minutes. Quality of rajma  differs so cooking time can be different too. Check after 5 minutes and if not tender,  cook for a little more time. Chop onions finely. Make a paste of tomato, ginger and garlic. Chop coriander leaves. 

In a heavy bottom pan add oil. Put in the whole spices- cumin, cloves, cinnamon, black cardamom and bay leaf. When they start spluttering add the onion. Fry onions on low heat till light golden. Add tomato, ginger and garlic paste. Also add the spice powders turmeric powder, red chilly powder, coriander powder, cumin powder and salt. Stir till the mixture is nicely cooked and leaves oil. Add rajma along with about 1 1/2 cups of warm water. If you like you can use the water that rajma was boiled in. Let it simmer for few minutes. Add garam masala powder. Serve hot garnished with coriander leaves.

This is a very light and delicious recipe. If you want a richer texture you could add tomato paste and cream. If the tomato you are using is not sour then also you could add a tbsp of tomato paste. The thickness of the curry is your choice. Add more water if you like a more runny curry.

Vermicelli Upma

Though upma is traditionally made with semolina( sooji), it also works well with vermicelli. This recipe is perfect for breakfast or tea time.  It is a nice way to make kids eat veggies too!


1 cup vermicelli ( sewai)
1 onion
1 small piece of  ginger
1 green chilli
1/2 cup vegetables: carrot, capsicum, cauliflower, green peas
Curry leaves
salt to taste
1/4 tsp turmeric powder
1/4 tsp red chilli powder
1/2 tsp sugar
1/2 tsp lemon juice
1/2 tsp mustard seeds
1/2 tsp urad dal
3 1/2 tbsp oil

Method: Chop onions, ginger and green chilli finely. Chop the vegetables into small pieces. Heat several cups of water and add salt and 1 tbsp of oil. When water starts boiling add the vermicelli (sewai).  Take care to put the  vermicelli (sewai) into hot, boiling water and leave it in the water for barely 30 seconds. Drain and rinse with cold water and add 1/2 tbsp oil.

In a non stick pan or heavy bottom pan put 2 tbsp oil. Add mustard seeds, urad dal and curry leaves. When they start  crackling  add onions, ginger and green chilli. After a minute add the vegetables. Fry vegetables lightly. Add capsicum last so that it retains its crunch.  Season with turmeric powder, red chilli powder and salt. Also add the sugar and lemon juice.  Mix in the boiled sewai and close flame. Cover and leave it for few minutes. The sewai will become soft and fluffy. Serve hot.

If you want you can boil the vegetables ( except capsicum) before using in the recipe.

Penne Alfredo


This is a basic pasta recipe which is universally loved . It can be made at home without much stress or fuss.  So next time you have guests wow them with this yummy pasta as a side dish or eat alone with relish as its a complete meal.


1 cup Penne pasta
2 cups  mixed vegetables ( cauliflower, broccoli, carrot, corn, capsicum )
2 tbsp butter
1 tsp oregano
1 onion
3-4 cloves garlic
1 1/2 cups milk
1 tbsp flour (maida)
Salt to taste
1/4 tsp pepper
1/4 tsp chilli flakes
3-4 tbsp cheese
1/2 cup cream

Method: Boil pasta and keep aside.  Boil the chopped vegetables ( except capsicum). Chop onion. Crush and chop garlic.

In a pan add butter.  Add the garlic and then the onion. Fry lightly.  Add the boiled vegetables. Fry for a minute and then add flour. Stir again for a minute till flour is lightly fried. Dont brown it.  Add the milk and stir till it thickens.  Add salt, pepper, chilli flakes and oregano.  Also add the penne pasta, cream and cheese(reserving some for garnish).

Pour into a serving dish and sprinkle the reserved cheese and a dash of butter. Serve hot.

In case you dont want to use cream just add an extra half cup of milk instead.  It doesnt detract from the taste.
Instead of Penne you can use any pasta of your choice.
You can add boiled chicken  along with the vegetables if you like.

Monday 5 October 2015

Dal Makhni

This dal, originally from Punjab, has been made famous by Indian restaurants world wide.  Dal Makhni was earlier typically cooked over a wood fire stove for hours which gave it a lovely aroma. Now of course we use the pressure cooker to  save on time and effort.  However, one cant cut back on the cream and butter so generously used in this dish. Its okay to indulge once in a while, right?


300 gms or 1 1/4 cup black lentils whole( sabut urad dal)
1 tsp red chilli powder
2/3 cup cream
4 tsp garlic paste
4 tsp ginger paste
salt to taste
2/3 cup tomato puree
1/2 cup white butter( unsalted)

Method: Pick, clean and soak dal for at least 3 hours, best soaked overnight.
Add 1 1/2 litres of water to the dal and cook over a low flame till dal is soft.

Now add the tomato puree, ginger and garlic paste, salt and chilli powder. Cook some more till dal is thick. Keep aside 10 gms butter and add the rest to the dal along with the cream and cook for few more mins, stirring continuously, till the fat is incorporated into dal.

Serve hot adding the reserved butter on top.

Sunday 4 October 2015

Chocolate Souffle

A favourite sister in law served us this dessert once when we were visiting her.  It was delicious and unlike anything I had eaten....very lightly sweetened, soft, creamy texture and with a rich chocolate taste. The recipe she shared with me is the one I have followed faithfully all these years and which I am giving below.

3 cups milk
3 eggs
3 tsp gelatine
1 cup cream
3tsp cocoa
1 tsp instant coffee
2 tbsp sugar

Method:  Soak gelatine in a little cold water till it becomes colourless.

Mix egg yolks in milk and heat on low flame till slightly thick. Remove from flame.  Mix the cocoa and coffee with a little of the milk mixture and then add to the whole. Add the soaked gelatine also. Let the mixture now cool a bit and then add the sugar and cream. Beat the egg whites till stiff and gently fold into the mixture just before keeping in the fridge.

Allow the souffle to set in the fridge ( not freezer) before serving. Garnish with cherries, choco chips, grated chocolate....anything you like.  

Mushroom Stir Fry


Growing up, mushrooms were not so commonly cooked at home.  Maybe it was not so widely available then. I learnt to appreciate and cook mushrooms only when we were based for a few years in Shimla where one could readily procure excellent quality fresh mushrooms.  Since then I have made sure to include this in our diet as I understand it is loaded with essential nutrients and are low in calories.

Mushrooms can be cooked in various ways...either alone or with other vegetables.  Here I have made a very simple mushroom recipe which is crunchy and light.


200 gms mushrooms cut in half
1 onion finely sliced
1 green capsicum sliced
1tsp chopped garlic
1tsp chopped ginger
1  chopped tomato
1/2 tsp pepper
1/2 tsp turmeric powder
1/2 tsp red chilli powder
1/2 tsp coriander powder
salt to taste
1/2 tsp garam masala powder
2 tbsps oil to fry mushrooms, onions, capsicum
2tbsps oil to cook

Method :  Heat oil in  a small frying pan and add the halved mushrooms and lightly saute. Take out and keep aside.  In the same oil  lightly toss the capsicum for a minute and keep aside.  Lastly add the onions and fry lightly and take out.

Lets begin assembling the dish now.  Pour the remaining oil in a pan and add the finely chopped ginger and garlic. ( Can also use ginger garlic paste instead).  Fry for a minute.  Add the chopped tomato. Stir fry till tomato is soft using little water if needed.  Add all the spice powders namely salt, turmeric, chilli, coriander and garam masala. When the tomato and spices are well cooked and oil separates from masala add the fried onions, capsicum and mushroom.  Stir well and close.  Do not overcook.

Serve hot with chapati, paratha ... anything you like. Even bread.  You can serve it to guests or enjoy it alone.  It barely takes a few minutes and yet is a delicious single dish meal.

You can tweak this recipe to give it a Chinese flavour too.  Instead of the spice powders mentioned above, add soy sauce, vinegar, pepper, salt, sugar and chilli powder.

Tomato Soup


This is the most basic and simplest of soups. Its made in a jiffy and relished by just about everyone. It works wonders if you are not well as it is light and nourishing.  If you can make this soup at home why would you have a packaged soup?  Its always better to put in a little effort and have home made. At least you know what is going into it and there is the added pleasure of knowing you have made it yourself.


3 tomatoes
1/2 carrot
salt to taste
1/2 tsp pepper
1 tsp sugar
1tbsp cornflour
2-3 tbsp milk
3 cups water

Method:  Chop the tomatoes.  Grate and chop the carrot.  Add the water and put to boil till soft.  Blend in the mixer when sufficiently cool and strain.  Now place on heat again and allow to boil.  Mix the cornflour in cold milk and add to the soup. Stir till soup thickens.  Add the salt, sugar and pepper.  Check for taste and then serve hot.  The quality and sourness of tomatoes differs from season to season so make sure to add less salt at first and adjust accordingly.

This soup is often served with a dash of cream on top and fried bread squares but its just as tasty without the accompaniments.

The carrot I have added is optional.  Go ahead and make it without it if you dont have carrots at home. I just feel the carrot adds to the texture and nutrition value.

Achari Gosht



In the early nineties cable TV came to India and with it came a weekly cookery show on an Indian channel. This show, Khana Khazana, on Zee TV hosted by Sanjeev Kapoor became instantly popular. This was a new visual medium to learn recipes from. Subsequently, many of us bought Sanjeev Kapoor's books, also by the same name...Khana Khazana. This recipe is from the first book I bought of Sanjeev Kapoor.

This is  a spicy mutton dish inspired by the spices used in Indian pickles, as the name suggests. It is fairly easy to prepare and guaranteed to please.  


800 gms mutton
4 medium onions
4 medium tomatoes
4-6 whole red chillies
1 tsp mustard seeds
1/2 tsp fenugreek seeds
1/2 tsp cumin seeds
1 tsp fennel seeds ( saunf)
1 tsp onion seeds ( kalonji)
5 cloves
100 ml oil to cook.
2 tbsp ginger
2 tbsp garlic
1 tsp turmeric powder
1 tsp red chilli powder
salt to taste
Coriander leaves to garnish
1 lemon

Method: Wash and cut the mutton into 1 1/2 " sized pieces.  Peel and chop the onions. Chop the tomatoes.  Chop the ginger and garlic. Roast the whole spices ( mustard seeds, cumin seeds, onion seeds, fenugreek seeds,fennel seeds, whole red chillies and cloves) and grind coarsely.  

In this recipe mustard oil is preferable but you may use the oil of your choice.  Take a thick bottom pan and pour oil.  Add the onions and fry till browned.  Add the chopped ginger and garlic.  Mix well. Add the coarsely ground masala powder.  Cook for half a minute stirring constantly. Add mutton and cook on high heat till mutton pieces are fairly brown. Add turmeric powder, red chili powder and salt .  Cook till oil leaves masala.  Add sufficient water ( 2 1/2 cups) and brings to a boil. Cover and cook till mutton is done. ( You can use pressure cooker at this stage).  Uncover and add chopped tomatoes and cook on medium flame for ten minutes or till mutton is fully cooked.  Stir occasionally.  Stir in the juice of a lemon. Adjust the seasoning and serve hot garnished with coriander leaves.  


Kadhi is a very popular  dish prepared in north India.  In our family too kadhi is a favourite Sunday afternoon dish.  It makes a nice change and all the ingredients are generally available at home. Its a good option if you have run out of veggies too!

For Kadhi:
1 cup yoghurt
1 onion
3-4 cloves garlic
Small piece ginger
1 green chilli
1/4 tsp fenugreek seeds( methi)
1/2 tsp cumin seeds (jeera)
pinch of asafoetida ( hing)
Few curry leaves
3tbsp gram flour (besan)
salt to taste
1tsp turmeric powder
1/2 tsp red chilli powder
2 tbsp oil

For Pakoras: 5tbsp gram flour( besan), salt to taste, pinch of turmeric, pinch of  carrom seeds( ajwain)  and few tbsp water. Oil to fry.

Method:  Slice onion finely.  Chop ginger, garlic and green chilli.

For pakoras mix gram flour and water. Add water gradually to form thick paste. To check if batter is of correct consistency, drop a little in a bowl of water. If it retains its shape then its fine.  If it disintegrates, add more besan. When batter is ready, add pinch of salt, turmeric and carrom seeds.

In a  wide heavy bottom pan put few tbsps of oil.  When oil is heated drop little batter at a time to make pakoras for the kadhi. Take out when puffed and golden and keep aside. Once the batter is almost used up in the bowl,  add the yoghurt and gram flour meant for the kadhi and mix into a smooth paste.  Add 5-6 cups of water and whisk well.  I generally blend it in the mixer at this stage to avoid any lumps.

If there is excess oil in the pan in which pakoras were made take out and let just 2 tbsps oil remain. Put in the cumin seeds, fenugreek seeds and asafoetida.  Let it crackle. Add the sliced onions, ginger, garlic, green chilli and curry leaves. Stir for couple of minutes.  Do not brown.  Now add the salt, red chilli powder and turmeric powder. Immediately after this pour the yoghurt and gram flour mixture.  Keep stirring till mixture starts boiling.  Then lower the flame and let it simmer for ten minutes or so  till the kadhi is of the right consistency and raw taste of gram flour is no longer there. Close the flame and add the pakoras. Cover and leave for few minutes for the pakoras to soften.

In a small pan add oil and cumin.  When cumin starts crackling remove from fire and add pinch of red chilli powder and pour over the kadhi.  Serve hot.

The kadhi should not be too thick when you close as it will get thicker once pakoras are put in. Don't boil kadhi after pakoras are put in.  In case kadhi gets too thick add more warm water.

Friday 2 October 2015

Green Chicken

I like recipes which have few ingredients, simple process and yet turn out great.  This one fits the bill. Its beauty lies in all the lovely herbs used which give it a unique flavour which is subtle yet amazing. Normally we use herbs to garnish but here its used in the actual cooking


1 small chicken( boneless)
3/4 cup yoghurt
3-4 green chillies
2-3 onions
3 tbsps oil
3/4 cup coriander leaves
1/4 cup mint leaves
2 tbsp kasoori methi
Salt to taste

Method: Slice the onions finely.  Put green chillies, coriander leaves, mint leaves and kasoori methi in the blender with few tbsp of water and make into a paste.  In a bowl add the green paste, salt and yoghurt and mix well. Now marinate the chicken pieces with the prepared mixture. Cover the marinated chicken and keep in the fridge for some time.

In a heavy bottom pan heat oil.  Add the sliced onions and fry till browned.  Invert the chicken with the entire marinade.  Let the chicken cook on a low flame, covered with a lid.  Cook until tender and oil separates.  If you want you can even pressure cook for one whistle.

The quality of green chillies differs so alter the amount accordingly. Some are so fiery hot that even one is enough while at times  3 or 4  are needed.  Incidentally, green chillies are very high in Vit C so where possible try to use green chillies  instead of the red chilli powder.

Thursday 1 October 2015

Biscuit Pudding


When I am having guests over and I am planning the menu, guess what I write down first? The dessert!! For me desserts are as important as the main course dishes.  There is nothing like a lovely sweet dish to round off a good meal.

This dessert recipe has been with me a long time.  Once while rummaging in my mom's recipe file I came across this dessert. I tried it out and bingo! I had a winner on my hands. Since then it has been a favourite.


1 cup milk
1 egg
2 1/2 table spoon sugar
10 -12 Marie biscuits
1 table spoon cocoa powder
1/2 tea spoon instant coffee powder
1/4 cup walnuts
1 cup fresh cream
1 table spoon rum (optional)

Method: Break up the biscuits into small pieces( do not powder).  Mix the cocoa and coffee in little milk.

Whip the egg and add to milk and sugar. Stir over low flame till thick.  Add the dissolved chocolate and coffee mixture.  Remove from fire and allow to cool.  Add the rum and  walnuts( leaving some for garnish).


In the serving dish spread the broken biscuit pieces.


Pour the prepared chocolate custard mixture over it. Chill in the fridge for a while and then add the cream on top and garnish with walnuts. Replace in the fridge and let cool completely.


The biscuits will absorb the chocolate mixture and the pudding will firm up but not set. The rum gives that extra zing to the dish and I generally like to add it but you can skip it if you want.

If made over low flame the egg custard will not have lumps and will turn out very smooth but still it is a good idea to sieve the mixture once it's cooked. This will prevent any unpleasant lumps coming in the mouth.

Pepper Chicken


This is a gem of a recipe which I found in a cookery book I had borrowed from someone. I don't  remember the name of the book or the author as it was a long time back but, a few of the recipes that I had noted down from the book, and which I  later  tried, turned out  really well. This is one of them.

This is a fairly simple recipe that anyone can attempt. Trust me! I first made it when I was still finding my way around a kitchen. I have since made it many times and it has become a favourite recipe of mine The best part about this recipe is that it is very can include it in any menu whether its Indian, Chinese or continental.


1 chicken, cut in small pieces
4  onions, finely chopped
10 cloves garlic, finely chopped
4 green chillies, finely chopped
1 inch ginger, crushed
1 tea spoon pepper, freshly ground
salt to taste
1/2 tea spoon red chilly powder
1-2 table spoon white vinegar
2 table spoon oil
1/2 tea spoon cumin seeds
1/2 tea spoon mustard seeds
pinch of asafoetida ( hing)
Whole spices: 4 cloves, 1 inch cinnamon, 2-3 black cardamom, few peppercorn

Method: Chop onions finely. Crush ginger. Chop garlic and green chillies.

In a heavy bottom pan put oil. Allow to heat and then add cumin seeds, mustard seeds and asafoetida. Also add the whole spices - cloves, cinnamon, cardamom and peppercorn.  Now add ginger, garlic and green chillies.  Next add the onions. When onions turn golden add chicken pieces.  Stir for 10 to 15 mins.  Add salt, pepper and red chilly powder.  Saute for some more time. When the chicken is well fried and oil separates from the mixture, add 1/2 cup water and pressure cook  till tender. When pressure releases, open lid and add vinegar.  If the gravy is thin, stir for a few minutes till gravy thickens. Adjust seasoning and serve hot.

You need not pressure cook if you don't want to. Just cover the pan and lower flame and let it cook till tender. Depending on size of chicken the cooking time varies.

Always remember to taste your food before serving.  Sometimes just a little addition of the required ingredient can make all the difference to a dish.  The right consistency of a dish is also important.