Tuesday 29 January 2019

Vanilla Choco Chips Cookies Muffins


I made a batch of these muffins last Christmas for a friend's young son. I was vastly amused, not to mention flattered, to learn later that my friend's son loved the muffins so much that he hid them away and refused to share with anyone! As I always say, children are the most honest critics....either they like something or they do not. And they are not in the habit of dissembling!!

These Vanilla Choco Chips Cookies Muffins  are pretty easy to make.  I have made this recipe a few times and it has never disappointed, always coming out just right...soft, a little moist, with a satisfying crunch provided by the cookie pieces. The ingredients are pantry staples, with no exotic add ons for which one need go scouring the supermarkets.  So whenever you are in the mood, and have a little time in hand, give these muffins a try.


5 oz butter (125 gm or 5 table spoon)
8 oz sugar  (200 gm or 1 cup)
3 eggs
1 tea spoon vanilla essence
1 tea spoon baking powder
4 oz  refined flour (100 gm or 1 cup)
1/2  cup  choco chips cookies, broken into pieces

Method:  Sieve flour with baking powder.  Beat butter and sugar. Break eggs in a bowl. Add vanilla essence and mix lightly. Add to the butter and sugar mix. Next add the flour mixed with baking powder. Fold it in gently. Do not over beat batter. Lastly, add the broken choco chips cookie bits. Mix. Pour batter in paper cup lined muffin tray. Bake at 180 degrees in a preheated oven for about 15 to 18 minutes. Check with skewer if done, before removing from oven. Cool on a wire rack till they cool down a bit and then store in airtight container.


Friday 25 January 2019

Tehri / Indian Spicy Veg Rice


Recently when I was in India I had the opportunity to meet Jo Ann after a long time. She is a close friend of both my daughters  and someone I am extremely fond of. I was so touched that she made time to come over to Lucknow to take part in my elder daughter's wedding preparations. Seriously, her being around added to the fun and gaiety of the shopping excursions, the late night chat sessions and of course the enjoyment of meal times. One afternoon,  after an exhausting round of shopping we sat down for a late lunch of steaming hot, flavourful....Tehri. It tasted so wonderful!!  Jo especially really loved it and it is on her request that I am sharing this recipe.

I am actually surprised that I haven't shared this recipe before now as it has been a family favourite for as long as I can remember. It was a regular at my parents' place and I continued the tradition at my place, after I got married. It was generally  prepared on Sundays or holidays when the entire family was present at home. Most often for Sunday lunch. An ideal one pot dish after a late and heavy breakfast!

Tehri, is a spicy vegetable and rice preparation that is popular in North India.  It is fairly simple to prepare....one of those easy, no fuss dishes that just can't go wrong. You go about preparing it like the regular curry...add whole spices and chopped onion, then add tomato ginger garlic paste and the spice powders. Once the mixture leaves  oil, chopped veggies are added and lightly stirred. Lastly the rice and water is added and left on low heat till it is cooked. Easy, right??

Jo, this is for you. Hope you enjoy making it!


1 cup rice
2 cups water
2 cups mixed vegetables ( carrots, french beans, peas, potatoes, cauliflower)
1 big onion or 1/2 cup, finely chopped
1 tea spoon garlic paste
1 tea spoon ginger paste
1 tomato, pureed
1 small onion or 2 table spoon, paste
Salt to taste
1/2 tea spoon turmeric powder
1/2 tea spoon red chilly powder
1 tea spoon coriander powder
1/2 tea spoon garam masala powder (whole spice powder)
4 table spoon oil
Whole spices: 1 tea spoon cumin seed, 1 bay leaf, 3 cloves, 1 black cardamom, 1 inch cinnamon

Method:   Soak the rice for at least half an hour in water. Chop the onion. Grind tomato, onion, ginger and garlic. Chop the vegetables you plan to use...carrots, french beans, potatoes, etc.


It is always better to assemble everything first and then begin to cook. Makes it simpler!

Take a heavy bottom pan, add oil and when it is slightly heated add the whole spices. When they begin to splutter add chopped onion. Allow the onion to turn translucent and then add the tomato onion ginger and garlic mixture. Stir. Add the spice powders.. turmeric powder, red chilly powder, coriander powder, salt and whole spice powder. Keep stirring till mixture leaves oil.


Add the chopped veggies. Stir some more till the spice mix coats the veggies well.


Drain water from rice and add. Stir for a minute. Add the measured quantity of warm water and cover and let it cook on very slow flame. Stir from time to time till water dries out. By then rice and veggies will be cooked. Close flame and  leave it covered for a few more minutes. This will allow rice to fluff up further. Serve hot with green chutney, pickle, papad  and raita ( spiced yoghurt).


If using a pressure cooker.... after adding water, close the lid and cook on high flame. Close flame after first whistle.


 If you don't have one or other of veggies listed above in ingredients, you can still go ahead and make tehri.  Also, the quantity of veggies added can also vary. I  like to add plenty of veggies but you can add less if you so like. No issues. 

Monday 5 November 2018

Makhana Kheer


Diwali is almost upon us and I am sure everyone must be looking forward to getting together with family and friends to celebrate this festival of lights. Diwali festivities start a couple of days before and go on for few days after the actual Diwali day. As with other Indian festivals, food plays an important role in Diwali too. Generally, in the days preceding Diwali and on Diwali day itself, food is kept strictly vegetarian.  The  food items prepared can vary, with each family having their own favourite dishes but, one dish that is almost always prepared for Diwali dinner is Kheer ( milk based dessert). Although mostly rice Kheer is prepared, one can opt for a different Kheer. I would suggest you give Makhana Kheer a try this year. It is just as steeped in tradition and what is more, it is supremely delicious.

Makhana, also called fox nuts or lotus seeds, have been around for hundreds of years. They find a mention in ancient Ayurvedic texts for their medicinal value and are also used in certain Indian religious practices and ceremonies. Makhana are packed with essential nutrients, being a good source of protein, potassium, fibre, phosphorus, magnesium, etc. The good news is that while they are high in nutrition, they are low in calories.

The largely neutral taste of  makhana makes it possible for them to be used for sweet as well as savoury dishes. What I most often do is roast them with a tea spoon of ghee till they become crunchy, sprinkle a little salt and black pepper and enjoy as a healthy, guilt free snack. Occasionally I use them to make curry and, when the mood strikes me, I turn them into the heavenly dessert that is..... Makhana Kheer.

3 cups full cream milk
1 cup Makhana (fox nuts or lotus seeds)
5 table spoon sugar or as per taste
10 cashew nuts
1 table spoon raisins
5 almonds, blanched and sliced
1/2 tea spoon cardamom powder
Few strands of saffron, soaked in little milk
1 table spoon ghee

Method:  In a heavy bottom pan heat  ghee and add the makhana  and cashew nuts. Roast on medium flame till the cashew turn golden and the makhana become crisp.

Remove to a plate and allow to cool.  Grind all the cashew and half of the makhana to a coarse powder in mixer. Keep the remaining whole, roasted makhana aside.


Blanch almonds and slice finely. Soak raisins for few minutes, dry and keep aside.  Now, in the same pan used to roast cashew and makhana, add milk and let it come to boil. When the milk starts boiling add the whole makhana and the coarsely ground cashew makhana powder. Let it simmer on low to medium flame for about ten minutes to allow the milk to thicken slightly. Keep stirring at regular intervals lest the makhana powder sink to the bottom of the pan and get burnt.


Add sugar, cardamom powder and saffron. Let it cook for a few more minutes. Switch off flame and let it cool down before transferring to serving dish. Cool for few hours in the refrigerator. Garnish with almonds and raisins before serving.

I like this Kheer medium thick. If you like it thicker just continue to let it simmer till the desired consistency is reached. If the size of makhana is big, cut it in two pieces.

Wednesday 31 October 2018

Beetroot Chops


I never realized it till I started writing this food blog but, so many of my pet recipes have stories attached to them. I am sure it must be the same with everyone. If you think about it you will find  some recipes connected to a particular incident, others to a period in time, a few to specific persons and so on. Each such recipe becomes even more precious as it is interwoven with happy memories.

During his childhood my husband's family lived next door to a Bengali family in Ranchi....the Duttas. Although I didn't ever get to meet her, I was told about Mrs Dutta's delicious cooking by different family members right from the time I got married. From all accounts she was an incredibly talented cook and Bengali dishes were her forte. Of all the wonderful dishes that were given shape in her kitchen, my husband remembers her Beetroot Chops with the most fondness. Crisp potato covering on the outside with a filling of beet, cashew, raisins and crisp onion...it was a treat he never got tired of eating or ever forgot.

As my husband's family moved away from Ranchi long before my marriage I could not ask Mrs Dutta herself for the recipe which my husband so loved. Failing that, I searched recipe books and asked other Bengalis I knew for the recipe in the early years of marriage and  later, as the internet opened up new possibilities, I went through renowned cookery sites. In the process I looked up many recipes and tried out  several versions of beetroot chops over the years but none seemed to fit the memory my husband had of Mrs Dutta's recipe. Finally, based on his description, this recipe evolved through trial and error. This is it then! As close as it gets to the original masterpiece. And, it is really, really good...and easy too. I don't do complicated :)

Beetroot Chops are a well known snack in Bengal. It is often prepared in homes and is also available at roadside eateries. I am told it's popularity rises during the Durga Puja festival when folks consider it a must to savour this tasty snack while visiting food stalls set up near Puja pandals.


2 potatoes, boiled, mashed
1 slice of bread, soaked in water, squeezed dry
1 table spoon rice flour
1/2 tea spoon red chilly powder
1/2 tea spoon cumin powder
1/2 tea spoon dried mango powder
Salt to taste
Breadcrumbs as required
Oil to fry

Filling: 1 small beetroot, boiled, cut in small pieces
1 table spoon raisins
1 table spoon cashew nuts, chopped
1 small onion, sliced, crisp fried
1/2 tea spoon chat masala powder

Method:  Boil potatoes, peel skin and mash. Boil beetroot, peel skin, cut in small pieces. Slice onion and fry in oil till crisp and golden. Remove and keep aside on absorbent paper. Chop cashew nuts. Soak raisins in water for few minutes, drain water and dry. Spread bread crumbs on a plate.

Place the boiled and mashed potatoes in a bowl. Add salt, red chilly powder, cumin powder and dried mango powder. Also add rice flour and a bread slice, soaked in water and squeezed dry. Mix everything well. To make the filling...in a separate bowl mix boiled and cubed beetroot with crisply fried onion, chopped cashew nuts, raisins and chat masala powder

To prepare the beetroot chops, take a lemon sized piece of potato mixture in your palm and flatten it. Place a tea spoon of filling on the flattened potato mixture and then close it, forming a roll. Transfer to the plate containing  breadcrumbs. Turn it around so all sides are coated evenly. Make others in a similar fashion.

Heat plenty of oil in a heavy bottom wide pan. When oil is medium hot add the beetroot chops one or two at a time. When one side is browned, flip to the other side. Remove when the chops are evenly browned. Serve hot with chutney or ketchup.

Thursday 25 October 2018

Rajgira Atta Halwa


I have been keeping the biannual Navratri fast for years now but never really bothered to make any of the special recipes from the flours permissible during fasts. I would mostly make do with fruits and milk shakes or at the most Sabudana Khichri or Sabudana Kheer  ( recipes already shared on blog). This time round I decided to try some new fasting recipes, hoping they would bring about some variety and newness to my diet during the fasting period. At the back of my mind the thought was also there that I could share some of these recipes on my blog for others like me who had so far not tried these recipes.

Rajgira Atta Halwa is one recipe I tried out this Navratri. It came out amazingly good the very first time I tried it out. Maybe because I wasn't really expecting it to be so easy and delicious, I was truly delighted at the results. During Navratri  I made it several times and each time it came out well. So, not a fluke then!!  I enjoyed it so much that I  will probably make it now even on non fasting days. Another reason I am not going to forget about Rajgira until the next fasting day, and will make sure I  include it as part of my regular diet, is because of it's numerous health benefits.

Frankly, I knew next to nothing about Rajgira or Ramdana, as it is popularly known in North India, till recently.  After trying out a few Rajgira flour based recipes I read up about it and was surprised to learn that Rajgira is an ancient grain, known to man since thousands of years. It's nutrient profile is credited with so many positives that it is gradually gaining acceptance as a health food. Imagine that!! Not only is it gluten free and high in anti oxidants, it is also rich in protein, calcium, fibre, iron and other micro nutrients.


1/2 cup Rajgira Atta ( Amaranth Flour)
1/4 cup sugar
3 table spoon ghee
1 1/2 cup water
1/2 tea spoon cardamom powder
1 table spoon almond slivers

Method:  Put water to heat in a pan. Meanwhile heat ghee in a heavy bottom pan and add Rajgira Atta. Stir on very low flame till the flour changes colour and turns golden. At this stage it will emit a nice aroma and ooze ghee too. Gradually add the warm water and keep stirring. Once the water is almost absorbed, add sugar and cardamom powder. Stir till the mixture leaves sides. Transfer to serving dish and garnish with almond slivers.

Monday 15 October 2018

Methi Gajar / Fenugreek Leaves And Carrot Stir Fry


Most days, except Sundays, I get a call from  The Mboga Man..... that is how I have saved the number of  my regular vegetable vendor... as Mboga in Swahili means vegetables.  He comes by around noon, with his cart heaped with fresh fruits and veggies. As soon as I get his call  I go downstairs and check out what he has and buy whatever I need. At times he also gets me any vegetable I ask for. I just have to request him a day ahead or give him a call early morning. Conversing with The Mboga Man is quite a feat for me as he knows no English or Hindi, the two languages I am familiar with, while I barely know any Swahili. But we manage somehow. I have picked up a smattering of Swahili with which I make do. One thing though that I haven't been able to figure out, and which continues to puzzle me, is why The Mboga Man calls certain veggies by their Swahili names and some by their Indian names, or rather Gujarati names!!

One day last week I was in the middle of an earnest conversation with my daughter when The Mboga Man called. I had  already decided that I didn't need any veggies that day as  I had plenty stocked in the fridge. Moreover, at that particular moment, I was in no mood to cut short my conversation. I quickly said " Hamna Leo Kaka" ( "not today brother" in Swahili) and disconnected. Not to be deterred he called again and again till I  took his call. All he said was "Mama, Kubwa Methi". Anyone else may not have been able to decode the cryptic message, but I did! I excused myself to my daughter and rushed down.  I had requested The Mboga Man several times to get me fenugreek leaves....  not the tiny seedling variety, but the one with regular, big leaves. Hence the message ...Kubwa, meaning big, in Swahili, and Methi, meaning  fenugreek leaves in Gujarati!

What I find most appealing about this dish, Methi Gajar, is the  play of colours and flavours ....the vibrant green contrasting with orange and the slight bitter taste of fenugreek leaves balancing the sweetness of carrots. The recipe itself is very simple and doesn't take much time to rustle up. I am not even going into the combined nutritional value of this dish! Who doesn't know that carrot is a giant among veggies, in terms of nutritive value and that fenugreek leaves too have immense health benefits!!?!!


250 gm  methi (fresh fenugreek leaves), finely chopped
2-3 carrots, cut in mid size pieces
1 tea spoon garlic, crushed
1/2 tea spoon cumin
Salt to taste
1/4 tea spoon turmeric powder
1/4 tea spoon red chilly powder
1/2 tea spoon dried mango powder
2 table spoon oil

Method:  Wash fenugreek leaves in plenty of water and place in a colander for water to drain away completely. Finely chop. Wash carrots and peel skin. Cut lengthwise down the centre and then cut in half  circles. Crush garlic.

Heat  oil in a heavy bottom pan and add cumin. When it sputters add chopped carrots. Stir on high heat for few minutes, till carrot is lightly fried and changes colour. Lower flame and add crushed garlic, salt, red chilly powder and turmeric powder. Sprinkle little water (about a table spoon) and cover and let it cook till carrot is tender. Uncover and add fenugreek leaves. Saute for a couple of minutes to allow the moisture released from the leaves  to dry up. Add dried mango powder and mix. Cover and close flame.

Do not over cook the fenugreek leaves. Cooking should be kept to a minimum once the leaves are added to retain their nutritive value and distinctive aroma.

Monday 8 October 2018

Easy Kathal Ki Sabzi / Jackfruit Curry


If you were to ask people in India if kathal is a fruit or a vegetable, chances are, that half of them would claim it is a fruit while the other half would assure you that it is a vegetable! There is no wrong answer here as both versions are correct. This is because in the South it is largely eaten as a fruit and the sweet, yellow pulp of ripened kathal  is very popular. In  North India however, it is cooked like a vegetable curry  and is something of a delicacy  that is served on special occasions or at home as a high treat. As I lived in South India for a major part of my childhood I didn't get to eat Kathal  Ki Sabzi, as kathal  was not available in it's unripened, raw form. It was only later, when I moved to  North India, that I learnt to savour this amazing vegetable.

Even though I began to  relish eating this vegetable, it was a fair while before I attempted to cook it. At first, the very appearance of kathal, with it's thick spiky skin, spooked me! Not for me, thank you very much! I was so sure that cooking such a daunting looking veggie had to be pretty cumbersome and time consuming. Over time however, my attitude to cooking kathal began to thaw and, by observing my mother in law and others cook it, I  gained confidence and started cooking  it.  So, was it worth the effort of learning to cook it??? Most definitely, YES!! I rate Kathal Ki Sabzi way up there, among the best of vegetarian dishes. Haven't tried it yet? You don't know what you are missing!!!


250 gm kaccha kathal ( raw jackfruit), cut in mid size pieces
2 onions, one chopped, one blended
1 tea spoon garlic paste
1 tea spoon ginger paste
1 tomato, blended
2 table spoon yoghurt
Salt to taste
1/2 tea spoon turmeric powder
1/2 tea spoon red chilly powder
1 tea spoon coriander powder
1/2 tea spoon whole spice powder
Whole spices: 1 tea spoon cumin, 4 cloves, 1 black cardamom, 1 inch cinnamon, 1 bay leaf, 1/2 tea spoon black pepper corn, 2-3 green cardamom
4 table spoon oil
Coriander leaves, chopped fine, for garnish

Method:  Wash and dry kathal. Heat oil in a heavy bottom pan and deep fry the kathal pieces. Do not brown, just fry lightly. Take out and keep aside.  Finely chop one onion. Blend the other onion along with ginger, garlic and tomato. Chop coriander leaves.

In the same pan, remove excess oil and add whole spices...cumin, cloves, black cardamom, cinnamon, bay leaf, pepper corn and green cardamom. When they begin to crackle add chopped onions and saute till they turn light golden. Add the blended onion, ginger, garlic and tomato. Also add turmeric powder, red chilly powder, coriander powder and salt. Stir till the moisture in the mixture dries out. Add yoghurt and saute some more till mixture leaves oil. Add the fried kathal and whole spice powder. Stir for a minute or two to enable the prepared spice mixture to coat the kathal. Transfer to a pressure cooker and add  about a cup of warm water. After the first whistle, lower flame and let it cook for a couple of minutes more. A lot depends on the quality of kathal. If kathal is tender, you need to cook less and if it appears a little tough, cook some  more. Before serving garnish with coriander leaves.

Instead of frying the kathal  pieces, you can lightly boil them before adding to gravy.  On opening the pressure cooker, if you find kathal has absorbed more water than anticipated,  add some more warm water and simmer for a couple of minutes.

Monday 1 October 2018

Cholle Rajma Aur Lal Masoor / Chickpeas, Red Kidney Beans And Red Lentils Curry


I was flipping through my recipe books the other day and came across this recipe which I had almost forgotten. I had discovered this unusual recipe by chance couple of years back. It had piqued my interest and I had tried it out on a whim, not really sure how it would turn out. To my complete surprise, the recipe was absolutely incredible. A sure shot winner, hands down!! I made it several times in quick succession, for entertaining as also for regular meals. I am so excited to share this recipe today with all of you out there who love to try out delicious new recipes.

This recipe varies from other chickpeas or red kidney beans curries. Not just because it combines chickpeas, red kidney beans and red lentils, but because it does away with onions, which is a vital part of most curries. The thickness of the curry comes not from onions but the lentils, thereby increasing the nutritive value of the dish and also making it a healthier option. For the many in India who do not eat onion and garlic this is an ideal recipe. Although I have added garlic, one can do without it too. One can serve this dish with rice, chapati (Indian flatbread) or just on it's own.  How you choose to enjoy it is your choice!


1/2 cup kabuli chana ( chickpeas)
1/2 cup rajma ( red kidney beans)
1/4 cup lal masoor dal (red lentils)
1 tea spoon ginger garlic paste (optional)
1 tomato, finely chopped
2 table spoon tomato puree
1 tea spoon tamarind paste
Salt to taste
1/2 tea spoon red chilly powder
1/2 tea spoon cumin powder
1/2 tea spoon dried ginger powder
2 table spoon oil
1 onion, chopped fine, for garnish
coriander and mint leaves, chopped fine, for garnish
Lemon slices, for garnish

Method:   Soak chickpeas and red kidney beans overnight in plenty of water.  Soak red lentils in water for 30 minutes.  Wash well and put to boil with 2-3 cups of fresh water...enough to cover the chickpeas and beans. If cooking in pressure cooker, lower flame after first whistle and let it cook on low flame for 5 minutes. If cooking in pan, let it cook till soft but not mushy. Keep aside. Chop tomatoes, onions, coriander and mint leaves. Cut slices of lemon.

In a heavy bottom pan heat oil and add tomato and ginger garlic paste. Stir for about a minute. Add tomato puree and the spice powders: red chilly powder, cumin powder, ginger powder and salt. Saute till tomato is completely mashed and mixture leaves oil. Invert the boiled chickpeas, red kidney beans and red lentils with the water they were boiled in. Also add the tamarind paste. Simmer for a few minutes on low flame till right consistency of curry is reached. Switch off flame. Serve hot garnished with finely chopped onion, mint and coriander leaves and lemon slices.

If you like you can add Chana Masala Powder or Garam Masala ( whole spices) Powder to make it spicier.

Friday 28 September 2018

Sheer Khurma / Dates and Vermicelli Pudding


Sheer Khurma  or Sheer Korma, as it is sometimes called,  is a traditional Indian dessert made during the  Eid ul Fitr festivities.  The name itself has originated from the  Persian word Sheer meaning  milk and Khurma which means dates.

There are many, many variations to this popular dessert, with every family having it's own favourite version of it. The recipe I am sharing is extremely easy and can be made by anyone. Fine Vermicelli  is roasted in ghee and set aside. Meanwhile  milk is put to boil and  simmered for a while  till it is slightly reduced. The roasted vermicelli, cardamom powder, dates and sugar are then added and  cooked for a few minutes till vermicelli softens. Finally  dry fruits are added and our delicious dessert is ready.


5 cups milk
2 table spoon sugar
1 cup sewai ( vermicelli)
1/2 cup dates, chopped
2 table spoon ghee
1/2 tea spoon green cardamon powder
3 cloves
2 table spoon almonds, sliced
2 table spoon raisins
Few strands of saffron ( optional)

Method:  Wash and chop dates and soak in little warm milk. If using saffron, soak strands in little milk.  In a pan heat ghee and saute almonds and raisins. Remove. In the same pan add vermicelli  and stir till lightly roasted. Remove from pan and keep aside.

In the same greased pan add cloves and allow to crackle. Pour milk into the pan and let it come to boil. Lower heat and allow to simmer for ten to fifteen minutes till milk reduces a little.  Add the roasted vermicelli.  Also add sugar, cardamom powder, dates and saffron. Allow to cook for a few minutes on low flame till  vermicelli softens.Switch off flame and transfer to serving bowl. Garnish with the fried almonds and raisins. Can be served warm or chilled.

The addition of dates gives the dish a lovely golden colour and a nice flavour too. The amount of sugar is kept to a minimum in this recipe as dates add sweetness of their own. Do not thicken milk too much as vermicelli is very absorbent. It will absorb milk when added and will continue to thicken further even after flame has been switched off. Adjust consistency by adding more milk later, if needed.


Friday 21 September 2018

Baingan Bharta / Indian Style Smoked Eggplant Mash


I have found, for reasons I have yet to understand, that baingan ( eggplant) evokes strong emotions in most people...either they love it or they detest it with a vengeance.  I guess we come in the former category for, in my family, baingan has always been a well loved vegetable. Even when they were small, I  never had any problem making my kids eat baingan. They loved all the different recipes of baingan but the most favourite by far was baingan bharta!

Baingan Bharta is at heart a rustic North Indian recipe that has now found wide acceptance. The best baingan bharta I have had was not in any classy restaurant but in my native village where the baingan was placed in a bed of wood stove embers and turned from time to time till it's skin was burnt and it was tender. The smoky flavour that infused the dish was beyond amazing. Epic baingan bharta!!

It is hard to replicate that in a normal kitchen! But, here is what I do.... roast the baingan  on the gas stove flame till it softens..... peel off the charred skin.... stir fry the mashed baingan pulp with very few, minimal ingredients, to retain the essence of the dish. Fairly easy, right? And it tastes pretty awesome too!!


250 gm or 1 large baingan ( eggplant, brinjal, aubergine)
1 cup onions, finely chopped
1 tea spoon garlic, finely chopped
1 tea spoon ginger, finely chopped
2 medium tomatoes, finely chopped
1 green chilly, finely chopped (optional)
1/2 tea spoon red chilly powder
Salt to taste
2 table spoon oil
1/4 cup coriander leaves, finely chopped

Method:  Finely chop onion,ginger, garlic, green chilly( if using),tomatoes and coriander leaves.


Smear a little oil on the eggplant and place directly on the gas flame.  Keep turning gently so that all sides get roasted. When the eggplant is evenly roasted and  has softened, remove from the flame and place in a dish. Cover and leave aside. The steam generated in the closed dish will soften the eggplant further.


Using a knife, cut off the eggplant stem and peel the skin of the roasted eggplant.  Mash the eggplant  to a smooth pulp.


Heat oil in a heavy bottom pan and add ginger and garlic. Stir. Add onions and green chilly. Saute till onions turn translucent. Do not brown the onions!  Add tomato, salt and red chilly powder. Continue to stir till mixture leaves oil. Add the mashed eggplant. Mix it in well and stir fry for a couple of minutes. Close flame and add plenty of chopped coriander leaves. The coriander leaves are not just a garnish here. They are an integral part of the dish.

The key to making good baingan bharta is choosing the right eggplant. Select an eggplant that is light, which indicates that it has few seeds. An excess of  seeds spoils the texture of the dish, which should be soft and creamy. Also, choose a fresh looking eggplant. An aged/ withered eggplant will not roast properly as all it's natural water content would have dried up. Make sure there are no scars on the eggplant and it is free of holes which points to worms in the eggplant.