Tuesday 29 January 2019

Vanilla Choco Chips Cookies Muffins


I made a batch of these muffins last Christmas for a friend's young son. I was vastly amused, not to mention flattered, to learn later that my friend's son loved the muffins so much that he hid them away and refused to share with anyone! As I always say, children are the most honest critics....either they like something or they do not. And they are not in the habit of dissembling!!

These Vanilla Choco Chips Cookies Muffins  are pretty easy to make.  I have made this recipe a few times and it has never disappointed, always coming out just right...soft, a little moist, with a satisfying crunch provided by the cookie pieces. The ingredients are pantry staples, with no exotic add ons for which one need go scouring the supermarkets.  So whenever you are in the mood, and have a little time in hand, give these muffins a try.


5 oz butter (125 gm or 5 table spoon)
8 oz sugar  (200 gm or 1 cup)
3 eggs
1 tea spoon vanilla essence
1 tea spoon baking powder
4 oz  refined flour (100 gm or 1 cup)
1/2  cup  choco chips cookies, broken into pieces

Method:  Sieve flour with baking powder.  Beat butter and sugar. Break eggs in a bowl. Add vanilla essence and mix lightly. Add to the butter and sugar mix. Next add the flour mixed with baking powder. Fold it in gently. Do not over beat batter. Lastly, add the broken choco chips cookie bits. Mix. Pour batter in paper cup lined muffin tray. Bake at 180 degrees in a preheated oven for about 15 to 18 minutes. Check with skewer if done, before removing from oven. Cool on a wire rack till they cool down a bit and then store in airtight container.


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