Monday 14 March 2016

Potato Mint Rice


This is a gem of a recipe I came across sometime back.  It is deceptively simple yet packed with flavour. I  have made it a few times and it has always pleased.

Yesterday, being sunday, lunch was quite late and a bit on the heavy side so for dinner I definitely wanted something light and preferably nothing that required much effort.  I settled for this delicious potato and mint rice. I had left over rice so cooking didn't take too long and it was exactly what I was in the mood for. Light, aromatic and yet filling. Perfect:)


2 to 3 cups rice ( cooked)
2 medium  potatoes
1/4 cup mint ( pudina)
3 onions
1 tbsp ginger garlic paste
1/4 cup yoghurt
1/4 cup milk
Drop of yellow colour( optional)
1tsp black pepper powder
1tsp lemon juice
Salt to taste
2 tbsps oil
Few green chillies fried for garnish

Method:    Fry sliced onions till they are golden and crisp. Keep aside on an absorbent paper.  Peel potatoes and cut lengthwise( like fries) and fry till lightly browned. Chop mint. Fry whole green chillies.

In a heavy bottom pan pour oil and add ginger garlic paste. Stir for a minute and then add fried onions, chopped mint, yoghurt, salt and pepper. Saute for two minutes. Add the fried potatoes and rice.  Mix well.  Add lemon juice and milk.  Cover and leave on low heat for few minutes.  Serve hot garnished with fried green chillies.

If you like you can add a drop of yellow colour to the milk and add to the rice.  It will give a nice look to the dish.

I didn't bother with the green chillies and just garnished with coriander leaves.



  1. I wonder if this will still be good without milk. I am avoiding dairy. I will add little yogurt - and maybe coconut milk instead of regular milk?

  2. You can omit both yoghurt and milk. Use a tbsp or two of plain water instead of milk to moisten the rice and it will work pretty well. Try it.
