Thursday 10 March 2016

Bhindi / Okra Stir Fry


Bhindi or Okra is one vegetable that I can never get tired of. I love it! Earlier I used to make it often for the kids, as bhindi was one veggie that they had happily without making a fuss.I continue to make it still as I enjoy it so much. Served with rice and dal or with chapatis, bhindi is a favourite always.

While preparing bhindi it is important to start at the buying stage. Try to choose pods that are small and crisp and avoid those that are hard or shrivelled looking. Next we come to the prepping. Water enhances the sliminess of bhindi, so to avoid that wipe bhindi thoroughly after washing and let it dry out before starting to cut it. On to the cooking....initially saute on high heat( without adding any spices) as this inhibits the slime. Once the bhindi is a little fried then you can lower the flame and add the seasoning.  If you  keep these few tips in mind cooking bhindi will be a breeze.

The recipe I am sharing here is a  very simple one that I make most often at home which brings the delicious taste of bhindi to the forefront.


250 gms okra( bhindi).
1 medium onion
1/4 tsp turmeric powder
1/4 tsp red chilli powder
1/2 tsp coriander powder
Salt to taste
1/2 tsp dried mango powder( amchur)
3tbsps oil

Method:    Wash the bhindi well in plenty of water and either let it dry out on it's own in a colander or  wipe it completely dry with a towel.  Cut off both ends of the bhindi and then cut it in 1/2 inch pieces. Slice onion finely.

In a heavy bottom pan put oil and add the sliced onions.  Fry onions till they are translucent, take out and keep aside.  In the same oil add the bhindi and fry on high for few minutes till it is lightly fried.  Lower flame and add turmeric powder, red chilli powder, coriander powder and salt.  Cover with a lid and allow it to cook on low flame till bhindi is tender. Add dried mango powder and the onions kept aside and mix it in. Serve hot.

If you like a little crispy bhindi then fry for a little longer once it is tender.


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