Wednesday 15 November 2017

Pineapple Bread Delight


I had a tin of pineapple sitting pretty in my kitchen cupboard since a while. I had picked it up on impulse when I went grocery shopping, without any clear idea what I wanted to do with it. Every time I opened my cupboard there it would be staring at me and I would tell myself that I really should use it in some nice recipe. The thought would  recede almost as soon as I closed the cabinet door!!

But, finally I did get around to using up the pineapple in a simple but delicious dessert. I got the idea for this from a show on TV which I saw  only fleetingly and  so didn't catch the entire recipe with precise proportions and directions. I had to improvise but it turned out pretty good, even if I say so myself! I am sharing the recipe while it is still fresh in my mind. I am sure it will prove handy next time I am reminded of it. I can look it up right here!!


3 slices bread,
1 small tin pineapple (227 gms)
1 cup milk
2 tsp cornflour
1 tbsp sugar
200 ml fresh double cream
3 tbsp condensed milk
1 tsp vanilla essence

Method:   Mix cornflour in  a little cold milk. Heat the remaining milk and sugar in a sauce pan. When the milk begins to warm up, add the cornflour dissolved in milk. Keep stirring until the milk thickens. Switch off the flame and allow to cool. The white custard is now ready.Transfer to blender. Also add chilled cream, condensed milk and vanilla essence. Blend.


Cut the bread slices into four parts each. Heat oil in a pan and fry bread squares till golden. Cut the pineapple slices into small chunks.


In a serving dish place the fried bread squares. Put some of the pineapple pieces. Cover with the prepared white custard, cream and condensed milk mixture. Sprinkle the remaining pineapple pieces on top. Chill for several hours in the fridge before serving.

Instead of tinned pineapple you can use tinned peach or mixed fruit. Add more sugar to the custard if you prefer your desserts sweeter.

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