Thursday 21 September 2017

Aloo Ka Chokha / Indian Style Mashed Potatoes


Hello everyone! I am sorry there have been no posts off late as I was away on vacation, visiting my daughters in Australia. I did intend to keep posting even while on holiday, and carried my laptop with this intention, but it didn't happen. Too many distractions, too little dedication!! Oh well!

Incidentally, it is exactly two years today since I started my journey as a food blogger. I have had a lot of fun sharing my recipes and experiences and am so very grateful to the overwhelming support I have received not only from my friends and family but from all those people who have taken the time to view my blog. A big thank you to everyone.

Coming to the recipe, Aloo Ka Chokha is a simple dish that is made from boiled and mashed potatoes to which a few ingredients like raw garlic, onion, green chillies etc are added. The final twist in this recipe is the mustard oil which has a unique stinging flavour. If you are not comfortable with mustard oil then you can of course make do with any other oil.

This is a traditional recipe commonly made in the East Indian states of Bihar, Jharkhand and Bengal. Apart from these places I was surprised to learn that this humble yet delicious dish has found it's way as far afield as the West Indies where it is hugely popular. The Indian migrants carried the recipe there with them ages back!

In our family we generally enjoy Aloo Ka Chokha with Khichri ( rice and lentils cooked together). On the last evening of my stay in Australia I  decided to make this favourite combination. It made for a light yet satisfying meal.


2 boiled potatoes or 1 cup mashed potatoes
1 tbsp chopped onion
1 tsp crushed or finely chopped garlic
1/2 tsp chopped green chilly
1 tsp mustard oil
Salt to taste
1 tbsp coriander leaves
1 tsp dried mango powder

Method:   Boil and peel potatoes. Mash them well so that no lumps remain.  Finely chop onion, garlic, green chilly and coriander leaves.

Place the mashed potatoes in a bowl and add onion, garlic, green chilly, coriander leaves, salt, mango powder and mustard oil.  Mix thoroughly to combine all the ingredients. Serve.


  1. welcome back - I have been coming here every few days waiting for a new recipe :) I love alu ka chokha. Will make this soon.

  2. Thank you! So grateful for your support and encouragement. Bless you:)
