Monday 4 April 2016

Spicy Yoghurt Drink

I had this spicy drink made from yoghurt at a friend's place and was totally smitten. This drink, which is popular in Kerala, was so very different from the North Indian salted lassi that I was used to. The amazing flavours of ginger,  green chilly and curry leaves came through gently without jarring, combining with the diluted yoghurt to give a wonderfully cooling effect. Sublime!

Chilled drinks are a must have in summer. Try out this drink that is refreshing, aids digestion and is completely natural. Unlike branded drinks this drink has no negatives so you needn't stop at one glass either! Cheers!!



1 cup yoghurt
2 cups water
1 inch ginger
1 green chilly
Few curry leaves
Few coriander leaves
Salt to taste
1 tsp cumin powder
1/4 tsp mustard seeds
1 tsp oil
Pinch of asafoetida

Method:    Crush curry leaves, green chilly and ginger together using a mortar and pestle. Blend yoghurt and water in blender. Season with salt and cumin powder. Now add the crushed ginger, green chilly and curry leaves to the yoghurt mixture. Stir well and sieve.  In a small pan pour oil and add mustard seeds. When the seeds start crackling add asafoetida and immediately pour over the spiced and diluted yoghurt. Pour into glasses and garnish with finely chopped coriander leaves.

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