Thursday 28 January 2016

Besan Laddoo


I had made besan laddoos for Diwali but never got around to posting the recipe.  Yesterday my elder daughter called to request the recipe.  As I had time on hand I immediately got down to making the laddoos and tried to take as many pictures as I thought necessary to explain the whole process and simplify it.

Besan Laddoos are a popular sweet of India and are made with just three ingredients: besan, ghee and sugar. Primarily made during festivals, besan laddoos evoke, in many of us, lovely memories of festival time in India.

1  cup besan (gram flour)
1/2 cup sugar
1/4 cup ghee ( clarified butter)
3-4 choti elaichi (small green cardamom)

Method:  Sieve the besan.  Powder the sugar along with the cardamom and then sieve. Measure out the ghee.


 Put the besan in a  heavy bottom pan or karahi. Stir continuously over  low flame  for about 10  minutes till the besan is lightly roasted and starts to change colour.


Add the ghee and continue to stir for another 10 to 15 minutes.


When the besan attains a deep golden colour, and emits a pleasant smell, take off the flame and let it cool completely.


Add the powdered sugar and cardamom  and mix well.   Do not add all the sugar at once. Add some, check for sweetness, and then add more.


Grease your palms and, taking small portions of the mixture, form smooth, round laddoos. This mixture will yield about 15 laddoos.


The key to good besan laddoos  lies in  the roasting of the besan.  If that is not done properly, the laddoos will have a raw flavour and not taste nice.

I find powdering sugar with cardamoms works better than adding both separately. Also, I do not throw away the shell of the cardamom but use whole cardamom and then sieve it.

You may find the laddoos are not retaining shape or are too soft initially.  Not to worry...they will firm up gradually. On the other hand, if the laddoos are not holding together, add little more ghee.

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