Sunday 31 January 2016

Simple Almond Pudding


I have a rule. I try out a recipe once, maybe twice, and if it comes out good then it goes into my recipe diary and if not, it is discarded.  This simple almond pudding made the grade. It is delicious, takes little time and can be made with just a few readily available ingredients.

Making this dessert is as easy as can be. Let us take it a step at a time...


Step one: Soak the almonds in plenty of water and leave aside for a while.


Next, soak the bread slices ( after removing sides) in little milk.


Dissolve  the custard powder in a tablespoon or two of milk.  Mix to form a paste.


Heat the remaining milk in  a pan.  When the milk starts boiling, add the dissolved custard powder. Stir briskly till the milk gets thickened.  Remove from flame and add sugar.


Remove the almond skin and, keeping a few aside for garnish, grind coarsely in a mixer. Blend the soaked milk and bread. Whip the cream. Once the custard has cooled add the almond paste, bread milk mixture and the cream. Also add the cinnamon powder.  Mix everything well and pour into a serving dish. Chill for few hours in the refrigerator. Garnish with almonds and serve.

Instead of cinnamon you can use cardamom powder or saffron...whichever flavour you like. Also, add more or less sugar according to taste.

This is a  fuss free dessert which yet leaves a mark due to the lovely taste of almonds which shines through. The bread milk mixture and the cream give it a nice texture and richness. Don't wait for an occasion. Try it out now!!

Here are the ingredients you will need.

1/2 cup almonds
1/2 litre milk
4 bread slices
1 cup cream
3- 4 tbsp sugar
2 tbsp vanilla custard
1/4 tsp cinnamon powder

Thursday 28 January 2016

Besan Laddoo


I had made besan laddoos for Diwali but never got around to posting the recipe.  Yesterday my elder daughter called to request the recipe.  As I had time on hand I immediately got down to making the laddoos and tried to take as many pictures as I thought necessary to explain the whole process and simplify it.

Besan Laddoos are a popular sweet of India and are made with just three ingredients: besan, ghee and sugar. Primarily made during festivals, besan laddoos evoke, in many of us, lovely memories of festival time in India.

1  cup besan (gram flour)
1/2 cup sugar
1/4 cup ghee ( clarified butter)
3-4 choti elaichi (small green cardamom)

Method:  Sieve the besan.  Powder the sugar along with the cardamom and then sieve. Measure out the ghee.


 Put the besan in a  heavy bottom pan or karahi. Stir continuously over  low flame  for about 10  minutes till the besan is lightly roasted and starts to change colour.


Add the ghee and continue to stir for another 10 to 15 minutes.


When the besan attains a deep golden colour, and emits a pleasant smell, take off the flame and let it cool completely.


Add the powdered sugar and cardamom  and mix well.   Do not add all the sugar at once. Add some, check for sweetness, and then add more.


Grease your palms and, taking small portions of the mixture, form smooth, round laddoos. This mixture will yield about 15 laddoos.


The key to good besan laddoos  lies in  the roasting of the besan.  If that is not done properly, the laddoos will have a raw flavour and not taste nice.

I find powdering sugar with cardamoms works better than adding both separately. Also, I do not throw away the shell of the cardamom but use whole cardamom and then sieve it.

You may find the laddoos are not retaining shape or are too soft initially.  Not to worry...they will firm up gradually. On the other hand, if the laddoos are not holding together, add little more ghee.

Tuesday 26 January 2016

Home Style Chicken Curry


For my family this chicken curry recipe is a taste of home!  When not in a mood to look at recipes or just too  rushed to bother, this recipe is the one I used to end up making.

Two things help this chicken curry rise above the ordinary. First, the fact that the chicken is sauteed with freshly chopped ginger and garlic, infusing it with a lovely aroma. Next, that it is gently simmered in a curry comprising of freshly roasted and powdered spices.  Result: a wonderfully satisfying chicken curry! No wonder my family never had any complaints however often I made it!!!

If you are looking for a very simple but delicious Indian chicken curry then go for it!

4,5 pieces of chicken( 350 gms approx)
1 onion
1 tomato
1 tsp ginger garlic paste
1tsp chopped garlic
1tsp chopped ginger
Salt to taste
1/2 tsp turmeric powder
3.4 tbsps oil
Coriander leaves

Spice Powder
1tsp whole coriander
1tsp cumin seeds
1-2 whole red chilly
1inch cinnamon
3,4 cloves
Few black pepper corns
1 black cardamom

Method:   Wash the chicken well. Put  onion,  tomato and ginger garlic paste in a mixer and  blend. Dry roast the spices and grind to a powder.  Chop the ginger and garlic finely.


In a heavy bottom pan pour the oil and add chopped ginger, garlic and the chicken pieces. Fry the chicken lightly together with the ginger and garlic till it changes colour.  Remove and keep aside.


In the same oil add the onion, tomato,ginger and galic paste, the spice powder and turmeric.


Saute till the oil separates from the masala.


Add the chicken pieces and stir till chicken and masala are well fried together.


Add salt and warm water and cover and cook on low flame till chicken is tender. Alternately, pressure cook till done.


Serve hot garnished with chopped coriander leaves.

In case you don't want to bother with making fresh spice powder mix then use a tsp each of coriander powder, cumin powder, all spice (garam masala)powder and 1/2 tsp red chilli powder.

Monday 25 January 2016

Panchmel Dal / Spicy Mixed Lentils


An ideal dal (lentils) for winter....fiery,spicy, yet comforting! This is a traditional recipe of Rajasthan ( India) in which five types of lentils are cooked together. This dish looks very presentable and tastes amazing too plus you get the nutritional benefits of five types of lentils in one great dish.  What more can one ask for??

True to it's roots this recipe has plenty of  chillies in it. There are whole red chillies, green chillies and red chilly powder! You are free to tone it down a bit but try to use all three as they give the dish a distinct flavour along with the ginger and tomatoes. Interestingly, there is no onion or garlic used in this recipe.


1/4 cup chana dal ( split chickpeas)
1/4 cup sabut moong ( whole green gram)
1/4 cup arhar dal ( split pigeon peas)
1/4 cup lal masoor ( red lentils)
1/4 cup dhuli urad dal (split and dehusked black gram lentils)
2 dry red chillies
1 tsp coriander powder
1 tsp cumin powder
1/2 tsp red chilly powder
1/2 tsp turmeric powder
Salt to taste
2 tomatoes, medium
2 green chillies
1 inch ginger
Coriander leaves to garnish
3 tbsp oil
1/2 tsp cumin seeds
4 -5 cloves
Pinch of  hing ( asafoetida)
1/2 tsp garam masala powder ( whole spice powder)

Method:      Soak the lentils for at least 2 hours. Make a paste of ginger and green chillies. Chop the tomatoes.


Wash the lentils and put them in a pressure cooker. Add salt, turmeric powder, sufficient water and cook till done.


Heat oil in a pan and add hing, cumin seeds, cloves and dry red chillies. When cumin starts to change colour add ginger green chilly paste.  Also add cumin powder, coriander powder and red chilly powder.  Add the tomatoes and cook till oil separates.


Add cooked lentils and some more water, if needed. Cook on low flame for few minutes. Add whole spice powder. Serve hot garnished with coriander leaves.

Do not over cook the lentils. The lentils should be softened but not mashed. The dish gets it's look from each lentil retaining it's shape...well, at least the whole moong, chana and urad. Arhar and masoor tend to get dissolved.

Saturday 23 January 2016

Hara Bhara Kebab


Chances are, that if you have attended parties or weddings in India,you would have, at some time or other, been served these kebabs! Hugely popular at social functions, these Hara Bhara Kebabs are equally easy to prepare at home.

Despite it's name, these  kebabs are more like vegetable cutlets.  Spinach and green peas give it the vibrant green colour while potatoes give it substance.  Combine these three, add few other ingredients like ginger, green chillies etc to spice things up and we are ready to roll.

3,4 boiled potatoes, medium size
3/4 cup green peas, boiled
2 cups spinach
1 tsp chopped green chillies
2 tbsp chopped green coriander
1 tbsp chopped ginger
1 tsp chaat masala
Salt to taste
2 tbsp cornflour
Oil to fry

Method:   Peel and grate boiled potatoes. Mash boiled green peas.  Blanch spinach leaves in boiling water and refresh in cold water.  Squeeze out excess water and finely chop.  Also finely chop ginger, green chillies and coriander leaves.


Mix the potates,  green peas, spinach, green chillies, coriander leaves, ginger, chaat masala and salt. Also add cornflour for binding.  Grease your hands and taking a small portion of mixture, give it a round shape of  ball and then flatten it to give a kabab shape. Form the other kababs in a similar fashion. Keep aside.   Heat oil in a heavy bottom pan and deep fry three to four kababs at a time, on medium heat, till crisp.  Remove on absorbent paper. Serve hot with chutney.

Alternately, you can shallow fry on tava. To get  a more vivid green colour add some more spinach but accordingly increase cornflour too.

Thursday 14 January 2016

Mexican Fried Rice


When was the last time you cooked a really fun meal?  If you can't remember then it is about time to start!  Some times it is not about the nutrition or the calories is just about enjoying preparing your meal and eating it...with gusto.

This really colourful and easy-to -put- together dish combines vibrant coloured veggies like carrot and capsicum with tomato sauce, chilly flakes, oregano and of course rice.  An unusual combination that is sure to tickle your palate and have you asking for more!

2 cups cooked rice
1 onion
1 capsicum
1 small carrot
4,5 cloves garlic
2 tbsps tomato sauce
1 tsp chilli sauce ( optional)
Salt to taste
1/2 tsp chilli flakes
1/2 tsp oregano
1 whole red chilli
2 tbsp oil
1 tbsp butter
Coriander leaves
1 jalapeno

Method:     Slice onions. Grate carrot.  Cut capsicum in small cubes. Finely chop garlic, jalapeno and coriander leaves.


In a pan pour oil and butter.  Add red chilli broken in two pieces and garlic. Next add the onions and fry till translucent.


Add carrot and stir fry for a minute.  Add capsicum, salt, chilli flakes, oregano, tomato sauce and chilli sauce (optional).


Add the rice and mix well. You can also add the jalapeno and coriander leaves.


Cover and let it cook on very low flame for 5 minutes.  Serve hot garnished with corn chips.



Tuesday 12 January 2016

Veg Au Gratin


I had been craving this dish for sometime now. There is something just so satisfying about it that I keep coming back to it again and again.  Assorted vegetables of choice  cooked in a creamy white sauce topped with a crisp cheesy crust. Yumm!!

One of the most perfect dishes for entertaining, Vegetable Au Gratin, has a timeless appeal. Best part is that although it looks amazing  it is fairly simple to make. Also, you don't have to fret about running to the store to get ingredients as you can make it with what is  generally available at home.

2 cups mixed vegetables ( carrot, french beans, cabbage)
3 tbsp butter
3 tbsp maida ( all purpose flour)
3 cups milk
Salt to taste
1/2 tsp pepper
100 gms cheese

Method:     Chop the cabbage, french beans and carrots and put them to boil.  Remove from flame when slightly tender and strain.  Do not over boil and let the vegetables get too soft and mushy.

To make the white sauce, add butter and maida in a non stick pan. Fry over medium heat till the raw smell of maida goes away.  Do not brown!  Remove from flame.

Gradually add milk stirring all the while.


 Replace on the flame and stir till thick sauce like consistency is reached.


 Switch off the flame and add salt, pepper and half the cheese.  Also add the boiled vegetables.  Pour into a greased baking dish. Top with remaining cheese and dot with butter.


  Bake in  a preheated oven at 180 degrees C for 25 minutes or until golden brown.  Serve hot.


What I have used here is a basic white sauce or bechamel sauce which is used in a wide variety of recipes. It is simple enough to prepare if you keep in mind a few things.  Let the roasted maida rest for a few moments before adding milk.  In case you add cold milk there are chances of lumps forming. Alternately, you can add warm milk.  However, if  some lumps do form, don't lose heart. Sieve the sauce and use.

 If preferred you can add chilli flakes, mustard powder or herbs to the white sauce.  You can use vegetables of your choice instead of the ones I have used here......  Peas, cauliflower, broccoli, corn ....all taste great.

Gratin literally means a dish with a browned crust which can be of bread crumbs or melted cheese.

No bake Choco Rolls

Even if you don't like sweets wouldn't it be nice to have something made at home to offer guests? You think it would be too much trouble? What if you could get hold of a recipe that gave great results without any effort involved?? Interested?

Check out this easy  to rustle up  recipe which has no cooking or baking  involved. These chocolate rolls make a rich treat for kids and adults alike.  Serve them at tea time or as an after dinner sweet or any old time you like.

15 Marie biscuits
1/4 cup cashewnuts
2 tbsp raisins
1 tbsp cocoa powder
1 1/2 tbsp melted unsalted butter
2 1/2 tbsp condensed milk
2 tbsp powdered sugar
1 tsp vanilla essence

Method:    Coarsely grind the biscuits in a blender.  Chop cashew nuts.  Powder the sugar. Melt the butter.


Assemble all the ingredients - crushed biscuits, chopped cashew nuts, raisins, cocoa powder, condensed milk, sugar and vanilla essence.  Pour melted butter and mix well.


                                                                                                                                                          Knead into a dough and form  cylindrical logs.


Firmly wrap the chocolate rolls in  butter paper and chill in the fridge ( not freezer)for couple of hours.


Unwrap the butter paper and cut into rounds.


Store in an airtight container in the refrigerator.

Friday 8 January 2016

Spinach Corn Curry


I take the saying " eat your greens" very seriously! It helps that I actually enjoy eating greens. I like most of the green leafy vegetables with spinach being my particular favourite as  there are just so many variations that one can make with spinach.

Spinach and corn make an ideal combination as the sweetness of  corn takes the edge off the slight bitterness of spinach. And that is not all.  What adds further piquancy to this dish is that it combines spinach with green coriander leaves and kasuri methi. Worth a try??

1 cup sweet corn ( whole kernel)
1/2 cup tomato puree
1/2 cup onion paste
1/4 tsp turmeric powder
Salt to taste
1/2 tsp all spice powder( garam masala)
1 tsp coriander powder
1 tsp cumin powder
1-2 tbsp oil
1/2 cup milk

For the Spinach puree
1 cup chopped spinach
2 tsp kasuri methi
1/2 tsp sugar
1/2 cup chopped coriander leaves
3 cloves garlic
1 inch ginger
2 green chillies
1/4 cup water

Method:     Puree the onions and tomatoes separately.  To make the spinach puree combine spinach, kasuri methi, sugar and water.  Cook on  medium flame for a little while, till spinach wilts.  Allow to cool completely before transferring to a mixer.  Make into a smooth puree alongwith coriander leaves, garlic, green chillies and ginger.  Keep aside.

Heat oil in  a pan and add the onion paste.  Saute for a couple of minutes.  Add the tomato puree, turmeric powder, coriander powder, cumin powder, garam masala and stir. When the masala starts to dry out add milk.  Stir till oil separates from masala.  Add the prepared spinach puree and mix well. Let it simmer on low flame for a minute or two. Add the corn kernels and salt.  Simmer for another few minutes and close flame.   Serve hot garnished with a dash of butter.

Thursday 7 January 2016

Quick Brownies


I like quickie recipes! I really do! Well, why not, if they turn out as good as these brownies! New Year's Eve had me rooting around among my recipe files for something nice to make and I chanced upon this recipe.  Mmm....Too good!

Readily available ingredients,  easy to follow measurements and an uncomplicated procedure make up this delicious recipe which scores high on taste.  Go ahead and try it. Believe me, it cannot get  simpler than this!!

2 eggs                                                                                                                            
2 tbsp cocoa
1 cup brown sugar ( powdered)
1 tsp vanilla essence                                                                              
1 cup home baking flour ( maida)
1 cup oil
1 tsp baking powder
1 cup walnuts
1-2 tbsps milk( optional)

Method:    In a bowl mix oil and sugar. Add eggs, whipped  along with vanilla essence, to the batter. Sieve flour, baking powder and cocoa together and add gradually. Lastly add the walnuts dusted with flour. You can add some milk to the batter to get the desired consistency.


Pour in a greased baking dish and bake at 180 degrees C ( in  a  pre heated oven) for 35 -40 mins  or till a skewer inserted in the middle comes out clean.


Let the brownies rest in the baking dish for a while before cutting into slices.  Serve with ice cream and chocolate sauce or enjoy as it is.


Wednesday 6 January 2016

Everyday Fish Curry

This is the fish curry we make at home most often which has sort of evolved over the years after many trials and errors.  It has a unique taste which is a blend of several freshly ground spices  and is wholesome and tasty.

You can use almost any fish of  your choice to make this curry and  it will turn out great. Mustard and garlic are the flavours that are uppermost in this recipe but they are not overpowering and along with the other spices merely help to put together a curry which is light and yet  so satisfying.



8-10 fish fillets
2 onions
2 tomatoes
1 or 2 green chillies
Salt to taste
1/2 tsp turmeric powder
Oil for frying
3-4 tbsp for curry
1/4 cup coriander leaves
1 1/2 tbsp vinegar

For paste
6-7 cloves or 1tbsp of garlic
1tsp mustard seeds (sarso)
1/2 tsp cumin ( jeera)
1/2 tsp coriander seeds ( dhania)
1/4 tsp fenugreek seeds ( methi)
1/2 tsp whole black pepper ( sabut kali mirch)
2-3 whole red chilli

Method:   Pour 1 tbsp vinegar over fish fillets and rub well.   Wash  off with water.  This helps to remove the strong smell of fish. Pat dry.Chop onion finely. Puree the tomatoes. Grind all the ingredients for paste.  Chop coriander leaves.


In a heavy bottom pan pour oil.  Fry fish over medium flame very lightly.  Keep aside.



 Now remove oil from pan leaving just enough for the curry. Add onion and fry till translucent.



  Add tomato  puree, the prepared paste, salt and turmeric.



 Stir till oil separates from masala.  Gently add the fried fish and green chilli and turn once or twice.



Pour warm water for the gravy and let it simmer, covered. over low flame for few minutes. Add 1/2 tbsp vinegar. Garnish with coriander leaves and serve hot with steamed rice.

Remember not to brown the fish while frying.  The fish needs to be fried very lightly. Also, don't turn more than once or twice in the masala nor simmer for long in the curry.  Fish tends to get tough if over cooked.