Monday 21 September 2015

Vanilla Custard


This seemingly simple dessert is universally liked and it also happens to be one of the first things I learnt to make which is why I chose it to be the first recipe in my food blog.  It is so easy to make that just about anybody can make it and yet so versatile. You can add cocoa powder or drinking chocolate to the custard and turn it into chocolate pudding.  If you like fruits go ahead and add your choice of fruit to the custard....banana, mango, grapes, apple...they all go well with custard. If you have some pieces of cake lying around the house just add it to the custard and garnish with nuts, raisins and see how nice it tastes. Another good option is to serve vanilla custard with jelly. A favourite with kids.  If you are in the mood to go a step further create a Trifle with layers of cake,fruits, jelly, custard and topped with cream and nuts.

When shopping for custard powder be sure to pick a good brand as it makes a lot of difference. A cheaper brand will make custard look and smell starchy which is not at all pleasing.  You can make a custard runny or thick depending on the amount of powder you use and how long you cook it. A custard is not something you can store or cook a day ahead as it loses its texture so its best to cook it the same day and chill it for few hours.

For me vanilla custard has been a favourite comfort food. It is specially satisfying after a rich, spicy meal as it is essentially light and soothing to the palate.

Okay, now for the actual recipe.

2 cups milk
2 tbsps custard powder
2 tbsps sugar

Method: Measure out the custard powder in a little bowl and add some cold milk to dissolve it. Now heat the remaining milk and the sugar in a heavy bottom pan. Add the dissolved custard when milk starts to boil.  Stir briskly till thick and right consistency is reached.  Switch off the flame and let it cool.  Invert into a serving dish and place in the fridge to chill.

If you like your desserts less sweet reduce the sugar. By mistake if  you have added extra custard powder and custard has become too thick, add some milk and cook a little. On the other hand if custard is too thin, add some more custard dissolved in cold milk and cook.

This is one dessert you can't go wrong with so make sure you try it.  Apart from vanilla, custard powders are available in many different flavours like strawberry, banana etc. However vanilla custard is the one that is most commonly made and preferred.